
Uttar Pradesh Draft Population Bill: Analysis

Population Bill


Planet Earth does not only belong to this generation but to the next generation as well. The are various methods of study a population and attribute related to it. We know that we all depend on available resources within the Geographical and Political boundaries of any Country, State or Region. We need to exploit accordingly and we need and leave for others who need those as well- i.e sustainable exploitation. Wise Society carefully spends and exploit their resource. A wise society never let come a situation of the mess where people are fighting to get their rightful portion of resources whether Water, Land, Forest, Healthy Environment. Overexploitation will result in scarcity of such resources and later become a problem in managing the country or a state. The human being is also a resource but excessive no. of humans will lead to heavy consumption of such resources. Excessive no. of humans is nothing else it is a Human Population explosion. There is always a growth of Human Population per decade according to Census of India data. It relates to the growth rate of a Population. But what if the growth rate becomes unstable as high exponential. Does it lead to Population Explosion?

What Does Population Explosion Mean?

When there is a sudden increase in the no. of Individuals of specific species is termed Population Explosion. The term is generally commonly used for Human Population. It is also called as Population Boom due to the accelerated birth rate, decrease in infant mortality, and increase in Life Expectancy.

Safeopedia Explains Population Explosion

“The explosion of a species population can throw an ecosystem out of equilibrium. In the case of the human population, explosive growth can have far-reaching environmental and economic impacts. Human population explosion is sometimes cited as a cause of resource scarcity and a lack of opportunity for individuals”[1]

Relation of Population with Resources

The population is referred to as no. of Humans in a Territory of Land. The availability of the resource in this Particular Territory is inversely proportional to Population. This means more no. of Human, will result in less portion of Resource per individual.

If ‘ X ‘ is Resource and ‘ P ‘ is population then

X                                              100

=                                     =                                               =          0 . 1 unit

P                                             1000

It means that more no. of Individuals i.e. ‘ P ‘, it creates more pressure on Resource ‘X’ .

Role of Niti Ayog (Planning Commission)

The Niti Ayog involuntarily works on various Research on National Development, Issues, Resources, and Population. Earlier it was called as Planning Commission. National-level research is always conducted, from time to time. Analyzing various ground data in various fields, disciplines, etc. Such analysis is discussed with lots of experts and later it takes the shape of a Report with recommendations. It is precious and relevant for National Development, out of which Policies and Principles are made as part of Directives Principles of State Policy.

In 1976, during National Emergency, Mr Sanjay Gandhi attempted the same approach which is currently attempted by the UP State Government. He strongly supported the Family Planning and Sterilization of Men. At the time, it was only a Policy named Family Planning Policy that applied to Center Government and State Government. Although, it was criticized by many as it was forced upon Citizens.

An Expert Group headed by M.S. Swaminathan was appointed to prepare the draft of a national population policy. The National Population Policy (NPP) finally came into force in 2000 with an expectation to have a population of 110crores by the year 2010 and a stable population in India by the year 2045.


NPR – National Population Register is a database of people living in India, citizens or otherwise, but NRC – National Register of Citizens is a database of Indian citizens.

The NRC process demands proof of citizenship from the respondents. Those found without proof may face action.

What is NRC policy?

PURPOSE: The primary function of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its governance and supervisory responsibilities relating to human resource management and compensation.

Role of State Government

The Role of the State plays a crucial role. The state is acting as a manager & administrator of available resource related sectors like Industries, Business, Infrastructure, Economy, Employment, Individual security, Education, Environment, Health, and available Resource, etc. The State plays its role as guided by the Constitution of India. The Part IV of our Constitution. Such Articles which are related to Population are as under:

  • Certain principles of policy to be followed by the State.
    • (b) that the ownership and control of the material resources…
    • (e) that the health and strength of workers…
  • Right to work, to education, and public assistance in certain cases.
  • Provision for just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief.
  • A living wage, etc., for workers.
  • Provision for early childhood care and education to children below the age of six years
  • Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health.
  • Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding of forests and wildlife.

Apart, the Population also concern with Low-Cost Housing for the Economically Weaker Section which is also a part of the duty of the State. In a way, the State has to work in various sectors & disciplines together. All work of State is meant for the Public, Individuals, and Capita. So, if the Population explode than its a worry of the State that how to fill the scarcity of any of the service and facilities provided to the Public?

Experts of ‘Niti Ayog’ time to time guide and alert Centre and State Government to act upon upcoming situations or issues. Such advanced evaluation & alarm give the Government System a cushion so that it won’t come into a stage of mess or Collapse and the Government need not dig a well at the last moment when there is a situation of Fire.

The approach of the State Government

The Government always works in advance and planned accordingly. It is assumed that the Government is supposed to be. The perception and vision of the State will take the Government System out of any future critical challenge. Our next to next Generation might raise this question why the Government didn’t take suitable steps or action?

Upcoming situations due to Population

State work out a Master Plan for 21 years in proportion to the Population. Followings are always concerns for Experts consultants while planning for a City, its Development, and sustainability:

  • Depleting Water resource (Underground water reservoirs are getting empty)
  • Raw / Agriculture Land is getting reduced
  • Forest are reducing to fulfilling the need of Housing, Industries, & infrastructure, etc.
  • Environment getting worse by providing more n more vehicles for a population
  • Pressure on Education, Health, and Employment
  • Pressure on Society, resulting in Theft and other & cybercriminal activities, etc.
  • Pressure on State & Country in providing food etc.
  • Pressure on State & Country during Pandemic disease.
  • Pressure on State & Country for the security of the Citizen and Person.

What are the major concerns?

The major concern is

  • Population explosion
  • Illegal Refugees for Political and Religious benefits
  • Illegal Migrants

All of these create unwanted/ unexpected/ unpredictable future problems which need to handle in present. If suitable action is not taken then all of us get affected.

Every Country has Laws and it has to respected by all. Such Laws are made for the Welfare of the Society, a specific Group, and the Welfare of the State. But, if such laws are not respected then it can brew up problems over the sustainability of resources.  Therefore, Legislation comes in front to make laws to protect the Country, State, and rightful Citizens against Family overexpansion by Citizens and Illegal Migrants/ Refugees resulting in Population Explosion.

UP Population Bill

This Bill is focused on Population control in the State from 2021. It means that we may be able to control the Population and timely stop the Population explosion. This bill is not mandatory for any married couple/ spouse. Its an offer of benefits for voluntary participation by married Couples/Spouses.

Contents of the Bill

It carries so many Spouse beneficial schemes for:

  1. Government Employee,
  2. Private Employee and
  3. Poor Section.

Each one of them, will constitute a family and contribute to Family Planning


  • One Child Norm Scheme and Family Planning thereupon.
  • Two Child Norm Scheme and Family Planning thereupon.

Family planning is, no more conceiving a baby by female and voluntary sterilization operation for Men. If such a process is adopted by the married Couple and conducted the medical process through a Govt Hospital then they both would be eligible for benefits. In the Schemes, there are some benefits for the Kids also.

The Bill is proposed for Voluntarily Participation by the Married Couple/ Spouse. In case they, don’t wish to participate, this bill is not binding on any of them. The idea is to get the benefits or not.

The bill clearly states that you are welcome to participate but once entered into the Scheme then don’t violate the scheme norms.

If we study the Social Structure in Inda. The Marriage in Hindu is between Male and Female. Whereas, in Muslim, it is between a Male and many Females (Keeping 4 to 5 wives). Further, in Muslims, there is a practice of Talaaq and Halala. So, the procreation of Kids is more in Muslims Marriage Practice.

When we live in any Country then it is always said that ‘the Country is first’. The same thing is applied here as well. If we foresee a situation after 40 to 50 years from now, then there would more pressure on Resource and its distributor. In most situations, the Public, in general, blames only the Elected Government, which is the same we do today. The Public won’t understand the Maths (Permutation & Combination) behind every situation and difficulties like Employment etc. The same, we won’t understand in future that what mistake we did in past (i.e. today).

Benefits to married Couple/ Spouse

This bill is focused on married Couples/Spouses. In actual terms, it is only due to married Couple / Spouse efforts, the Population control is possible, irrespective of Religion. If both can understand this and follow the process, then not only the Citizens & State but also the entire Country will be beneficial. It is also considered, to reduce the financial burden, even the kids are also included in schemes to get benefits.

The bill can also promote the growth of girl children by adding benefits linked to the Beti Bacho Bet Padao scheme. All benefits are oriented towards the married Couple/ spouse only that how a government can extend the benefits to the married Couple/ spouse?


  1. The Bill must define a Married Couple as nowadays even Livin Relation Couple also recognized by the Court as a Married Couple.
  2. The Bill must clarify the age minimum criteria in case of calling a couple of Married couples.
  3. The Bill must also refer to Article 12 of the Constitution to define State. As it expands the Government employee.
  4. The Bill must be strict to achieve a defined population by the end of 2045 as a stable Population. The same has to be mentioned in the Preamble of the statute.


The Population bill is not discriminating between Religion. Instead, it has addressed an issue and a solution thereon. This solution, we should understand, accept and support as True Patriot. In many ways, it is simplifying the government system, its administration, management, and working, which is even for future governance.

[1]Population Explosion: https://www.safeopedia.com/definition/2885/population-explosion

Photo by Shashank Hudkar on Unsplash

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About the author

Anil Nimesh (Vice President, Student Research & Reporting Advisory Board, Indian Law Watch)

B. Arch. 2nd Yr LL.B Maharishi University of Information Technology; Director, School of Architecture, Noida International University, Greater Noida, U.P. Since Nov.' 17. Professor (Dept. of Architecture) at NIMS University. Professor (Dept. of Architecture) at MBS College, Delhi. Associate Professor (Dept. of Architecture) at NIMS University. Visiting Faculty at School of Planning & Architecture, Delhi. Head of Space Design & GeoModeling Division at M/s D-cad from 2007 onwards. Remained SketchUp Pro Certified Trimble Authorised Trainer, India. Remained SketchUp Pro Certified Google Authorised Trainer, India from 2005 - 2012. Remained Google Earth Pro Certified Trimble Authorised Trainer, India till 2011.