Insights into my Law Internship Experience: Boddu Harshith Sai, Bennett University

law internship

The internship opportunity I received at Indian Law Watch was a fantastic opportunity for learning and professional development. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been selected for the Indian Law Watch internship program. I am also grateful to have met Ms. Jyoti Srivastava, the CEO of Indian Law Watch, who guided me through this internship period. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank her for guiding me down the right path, allowing me to carry out my work at their organization, and providing advice that was useful to my studies and knowledge throughout the internship period despite their hectic schedules.

During my internship period at this esteemed Company, I have been introduced to the concept of Arbitration. As a law student this was a great opportunity to explore more about arbitration and during this internship period I have been assigned few research articles on topics, “History and Evolution of Arbitration and comparison with the Singapore Arbitration Law”, “Examination of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, “Singapore’s Apex Court New Approach in determining the pre-arbitrary award”. This had helped me researching on my topic and gathering all the relevant information regarding the topic and writing the research articles.

With the research articles on the Arbitration I have understood the importance of Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) which helps in speedy disposal of justice and less expenses when compared to the litigation. And I have learnt that in the arbitration there is a third party i.e. arbitrator who acts impartially in settling the disputes between the parties and the decision given by the arbitration proceeding is binding on both the parties. And in India the arbitration proceedings are governed by Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.

How had I applied?

This internship opportunity with Indian Law Watch would not have been possible without the assistance of the Internship Placement Committee, for which I am grateful. This internship has been one of important moment in my professional development. And I promise that I will work hard to put the skills and knowledge I gained during this internship to good use, and will continue to improve my skills that will help me achieve my career goals.

Prior Internship Experience

Legal Watch

In my first year of my college I have interned at the Legal Watch, which is in association with the Law Gurukul, and it was online internship and I have done it during my summer break, in which I have learnt on how to write blog articles and the blog articles I have written is on “Marital Rape in India” and an blog article on “National Commission for Backward Classes” and both the articles have been published in their website.


In my second year during my winter break I have interned at CyberEq, which is a cyber-security company based in Australia, and during that internship I have been introduced to few personality development tests and for getting into the internship program at CyberEq I have been asked to give an interview and I have written a research paper on the topic “Contractual Indemnity and Workforce Negligence: A Re-examination”, in which I have explored the laws in India with comparison to Australia. And during the summer break of my second year I have interned at the District Court of Ongole, in which I have seen the court procedure and I have visited mediation center in the court and I have witnessed few mediation proceedings.

How had I applied?

And the previous internships also I have got through the Internship Placement Committee by the School of Law, Bennett University. And every year the students interned will be evaluated on their internship and the students have to showcase what they have learnt during their internships.

If you are interested to apply for internship with Indian Law Watch, please send your resume to

About the author

Boddu Harshith Sai,

3rd Year BBA LLB (H), Bennett University