About IP Assisto
IP Assisto is a centre committed to disseminate awareness and promote IPR in India. The centre encourages creativity and innovation with a view to generate and protect Intellectual Property Rights. The aforementioned vision will be accomplished by providing support and guidance to every person in need of protecting their invention and creations. The centre will familiarize all stakeholders with the importance of Intellectual Property laws in today’s technology-driven society and provide them with a platform for interaction. IP Assisto is a unit of Knowledge steezEduHub (LLP AAM 8237).
About IP Assisto Blog: IP Assisto, operates the IP Assisto Blog to publish latest updates, articles and commentaries on developments relating to IP laws and associated areas. The objective of IP Assisto Blog is to provide a platform for both students and professionals, to contribute their research and viewpoints with an objective to exchange and share ideas in all aspects of IPR. If you wish to make a contribution please follow the below-mentioned guidelines.
Submission Guidelines:
Content and Format
- We welcome guest submissions on all areas of IP laws from students, professors and lawyers. Submissions can be in the form of articles, opinions, case comments and short notes. The submission shall be accepted if it is contemporary and innovative to the current debates in IP law.
- Submissions should be the original work of the contributor. Co-authorship is allowed subject to a maximum of two contributors.
- Authors should use endnotes and NOT footnotes. Footnotes must be kept to the minimum. Submissions with excessive footnoting will not be considered.
- The citation format used for the endnotes must be uniform and according to the Bluebook 19th
- Authors are advised to keep their articles concise and precise to enhance the effectiveness of their posts, ideally not more than 1000 words (including endnotes). The font should be Times New Roman, size 12 for the body and size 14 for headings. Line spacing of 1.5 should be followed.
- Analytical posts are preferred over descriptive ones. Posts will be considered for publication based on various factors, including relevance, quality, structure, logic and writing-style.
Contributor’s Undertaking
- Through their submissions, the contributors confirm that the work represents their original contribution and that it has not been copied or plagiarized in whole or in part from other works.
Submission Process
- Submissions must be sent at ipassisto@gmail.com
- Authors must include their brief information at the top of the post below the title.
- IP Assisto conducts a strict blind-peer review of the submissions received and holds absolute discretion in determining whether to accept a submission or not. We will send an email receipt upon acceptance as soon as possible.
- Posts accepted for publication on The IP Assisto Blog may be cross-posted. However, this is subject to the condition that such cross-posting should necessarily acknowledge the fact that the article was originally posted on The IP Assisto Blog.
Last date of submission: 15th September, 2020.
Certificates of Publication will be provided to selected articles.
Contact Details:
For any query, write to us at ipassisto@gmail.com
or Aakansh Prakash: +91 8860734215
Connect with us on-
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ip-assisto-2963981a6/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/assisto.ip
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ipassisto?igshid=8kf32xc0z91g
Website: http://ipassisto.com/
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