Bhaskara Pantula Mohan To Take Charge As Acting President NCLT

Bhaskara Pantula Mohan to Take Charge as Acting President NCLT.  The central govt had issued a notification confirming his appointment yesterday. He will serve as the acting President for 3 months or till the appointment of a new president, or till further orders, whichever is earlier. The appointment comes on the back of the Supreme Court directing the central government to complete the process of reappointment of members of NCLT and NCLAT at the earliest and not later than two months.

He will succeed R Varadharajan who had a short tenure lasting for three days from June 6, 2021, to June 9, 2021, after Judicial Member Manorama Kumari who had the tenure of Acting President for four days from June 2, 2021, to June 5, 2021. 

Born on April 15, 1962, Mohan, popularly known as ‘BP Mohan’, started his legal practice in Kurnool in 1988. He shifted his practice to Hyderabad and assisted M Gunneswara Rao of King & Partridge, a famous advocates firm, and got exposure in corporate matters.