Call for Rolling Submissions: IJPIEL Blog


The Indian Journal of Projects, Infrastructure, and Energy Law (IJPIEL) (A Not For Profit, Student-Run Initiative) is pleased to invite submissions from Students, Academicians and Practitioners for its Blog, on a rolling basis. Please note that all submissions shall go through a double-blind peer-review process as well as a Plagiarism scan via TurnItIn.

The submission guidelines are as follows:

  1. Co-authorship up to two authors is allowed.
  2. The author(s) must refrain from mentioning the name, institutional affiliation or any other details in the document. Such information shall be separately mentioned in a cover letter.
  3. All works must be original and unpublished. Any form of plagiarism will lead to disqualification of the submission.
  4. Manuscripts should be in Garamond; Font Size 12 with Line Spacing 1.5.
  5. The word limit for the manuscript is 1500-2500 words. This word limit is exclusive of the end-notes (if any).
  6. All references must be in the form of hyperlinks and end-notes. Hyperlinks are preferred over end-notes. Usage of footnotes is prohibited. Speaking end-notes are strongly discouraged.
  7. End-notes must adhere to The Harvard Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th Edition).
  8. An abstract of not more than 150 words must accompany the submission. An abstract above the aforementioned word limit shall possess a lower chance of selection. The abstract is exclusive of the word limit for the article.
  9. Analytical submissions will be preferred over descriptive ones.
  10. All submissions must be made to:-

Suggested Topics for Submission

  1. Mineral Law (Amendment) Bill, 2020 [India] 2. COVID-19’s Impact on existing and future PPP Projects
    3. The National Environment Protection Act (NEPA) Amendment Bill, 2020 [United States of America] 4. The Moving Forward Act, 2020 [United States of America] 5. Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2020 [India] 6. Ministry of Mines’ Order dated 3 July 2020 for the Auctioning of Coal Blocks and the setting up of Project Management Units (PMUs) thereof [India] 7. EPA Amendment Rules, 2020 and its impact on EIA Assessments of Developmental Projects- preferably with an emphasis on IFI projects and the World Bank ESF [India] 8. The Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. (RVNL) Reimbursement Policy dated 27 March 2020 with regards to Stranded Laborers at Construction Sites [India] 9. The Infrastructure Planning (Publication and Notification of Applications etc.) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 [UK]

List of suggested Case Laws for Case Comments:

  1. Century Rayon v. MERC & Anr.
    2. ACME Chittorgarh Solar Energy Pvt. Ltd. v. MSEDCL
    3. Bhushan Power and Steel Ltd. v. GRID Corp of Odisha Ltd & Ors
    4. Kanika Steel Alloy Pvt Ltd. v. MSEDCL
    5. NLC India v. CERC and Ors.
    6. PEL Power Ltd. v. CERC Anr.
    7. TSSPDC Ltd. v. Srighdaa Beverages
    8. SEAMEC v. Oil India Ltd.

Please note that the themes are purely suggestive in nature and are not in order of preference. The Editorial Team would be happy to entertain submissions (preferably, contemporary) related to any topic under the broad theme of Projects, Infrastructure and Energy Laws.

What about the “Publication Fee”?

Absolutely None. We recognise that asking for any kind of payment in order to publish a manuscript leads to a denial of opportunities for students who cannot afford the same. Academia was never supposed to, and should not be treated as, a money-making venture.

IJPIEL prides itself on being a ‘not for profit’ initiative.