The Madras High Court has decided to conduct hearings only through the virtual mode from June 14 until further orders. The notification issued by the Registrar General of the court said that the decision has been made in view of the recent surge of Covid cases and to avoid further spike of cases.
“As a precautionary measure and to ensure a safe working environment, the Chief Justice has directed that the hearing of cases in the principal seat at Madras and the Madurai bench will only be through virtual mode,” it added.
According to the notification, all law chambers and bar association libraries will remain closed. Advocates may take case papers and other necessary things from their respective chambers, between 12 pm and 4 pm on June 12 Filing of case papers, copy applications, returning/re-presenting the case papers and receiving the order copies in the principal seat will be in physical mode through the respective counters provided inside the south gate of the court, the notification clarified. However, the physical presence of law officers of the state and central government and the standing counsel for public sector undertakings if required will be permitted to appear in person subject to the strict adherence of the Covid-19 safety protocols, it.
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