Laws on Prohibition of Dowry

Question: Are you aware post marriage bride and bridegroom are required to maintain their respective signed list of presents given to them in marriage with their description, approximate value, name of the relation giving the gift?

Answers: Please choose from the answers below.

(a) Yes, we are aware;

(b) No, we are not aware;

(c) Yes, we are aware but we chose to ignore because (write your reasons).

(d) I believe this does not help much in case of a dispute.

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  • THE DOWRY PROHIBITION ACT, 1961 as amended in 1985 /86 requires a re look. The Law Commission need to measure its impact since 1986 and now. The trend is to be evaluated. The week points are to be found and plugging is to be suggested.
    Similar changes are to be brought in IPC, CrPC and Domestics Violence act , which has resultant provisions like domestic violence, cruelty, deaths etc
    The Act intended to set up Dowry Prohibition Officers by States and they are to bring out rules. A lot of work is to be done. Women empowerment is also the need of the hour, so that the dowry is not demanded.
    Another aspect is that the problem should be nipped in bud. Section 4 provides Penalty for demanding dowry of imprisonment only upto two years. This needs to be increased and made deterrent say seven years. Similar increase in punishment for giving / taking / abetting dowry must be made on deterrent basis say ten years.
    The period of three months for Dowry to be for the benefit of the wife or her heirs should be increased to seven years as it is observed that dowry demands continue upto seven years.
    But all these suggestions should be based on a detailed impact survey , which should also seek suggestions for changes.