Indian Law Watch in Collaboration with IDEAL Institute of Management and Technology & School of Law conducted Workshop on Career Opportunities for Law Graduate

About Indian Law Watch

Web portal INDIAN LAW WATCH (website: is an initiative to build legal information superhighway with quality content. The portal was started in the year 2015. Indian Law Watch is a legal news, analysis and development portal and is fast emerging as a preferred choice for top tier law firms for their press releases; legal organisations and institutions for their events publication.

The ‘BUSINESS CONNECT’ magazine recently captured Indian Law Watch’s growing popularity in its widely circulated edition. Indian Law Watch has been part of the Hindu Business Line Newspaper, legal section ‘GAVEL’. Indian Law Watch has been appreciated for its content and is being invited regularly as media partner of many national and international events.

Indian Law Watch to groom law students career has launched the STUDENT LEGAL RESEARCH & REPORTING BOARD for the research, publication, advocacy skills and contribution. Numerous law colleges send their students for internship under guidance of CEO, Indian Law Watch, adv. Jyoti Srivastava.

About IDEAL Institute of Management and Technology & School of Law

Ideal Institute of Management and Technology & School of Law was setup in 1999 under the aegis of New Millennium Education Society. The society came into being with a clear objective to establish and run Institutions for Professional, Technical and Management Education in accordance with the policies and the regulations of the State Govt. and Central Govt. The word “New Millennium Education” aimed at by the society, is in full tune with the requirements of New Millennium – “An education that ensures a career for the individual, fulfills the need of the society and meets the demands of the nation”. From a very modest start, the institute has now acquired a commendable position as premier Institute in imparting education for BBA, BBA (CAM) and B.A.LL.B.(H) programmes of G.G.S.Indraprastha University, Delhi.

ILW Workshop on Career Opportunities for Law Graduate

Indian Law Watch in Collaboration with Ideal Institute of Management and Technology & School of Law successfully conducted a Workshop on “Career Opportunities for Law Graduate” with the session of Adv. Jyoti Srivastava (CEO, Indian Law Watch). Prof. Dr. Anil Prakash Sharma (Director, IIMT); Dr. Vineeta Sharma (Principal BBA 1st Shift IIMT); Dr Seema Nath Jain (Principal BBA, 2nd Shift, IIMT); Dr Arun Gupta (Vice Principal, School of Law); Dr Hemlata Sharma ( Associate Professor Department of Law, IIMT & School of Law, Advisory Board Member Indian Law Watch) were the esteemed faculty of IDEAL who joined for the event. The workshop witnessed the presence of 120 students in the interactive session. The event was inaugurated by divine blessings followed by Welcome address. The event was scheduled for October 4, 2021.