Indian Law Watch Resume Evaluation and Writing Services

Indian Law Watch Resume Writing Services
Indian Law Watch is giving you an opportunity to strengthen your resume presentation exercise and confidence building measure to face a law interviews. Face the world fearlessly with confidence on your strength and commitment to improve your gaps to be the candidate of choice.

Indian Law Watch Resume Evaluation and Writing Services

The competition is beginning in law. Resume is first interface of your interaction with lawyers, Legal institutions, and law firms. How is your CV different from your goal. Which CV makes great impression which does not. Why do you want to present a poor resume while you deserve a great impression. Indian Law Watch is giving you an opportunity to strengthen your resume presentation exercise and confidence building measure to face a law interviews. Face the world fearlessly with confidence on your strength and commitment to improve your gaps to be the candidate of choice.

 Reach out to us with your resumes on based on pricing package mentioned below we would be happy to answer you. The payment is through Paytm at 8800968714 only. Keep the subject of the mail: Indian Law Watch Resume Evaluation and Writing Services 

 Discuss with us your concerns about your career in law?

 Get your resume evaluated and build by us before applying for the:

  • Legal internships
  • Legal Positions
  • Legal Studies

 Basic Package 

  • We evaluate your CVs and discuss pitfalls in it for making a great impression.

 Price: 250.00/-

 Standard Package 

  • We evaluate your strengths and weakness in CVs. How your Goal is different from your CV.
  • Prepare your cover letter.
  • Answer two questions related to CV!

 Price: 500.00/-

Premium Package

  • We evaluate your strengths and weakness in CVs. How your Goal is different from your CV.
  • Draft your impressive CVs.
  • Prepare your Cover Letter
  • Answer your career questions and concerns with the CV.
  • You can ask any number of questions during the year of availing the package by paying additional Rs. 50.00
  • If you are a national or international achiever, we will talk about your achievements on the website giving exposure of your talent.

Price: 1500.00/-

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