Inland Vessels Bill, 2021 passed in Lok Sabha

The government is now looking to form uniformity in the laws relating to inland waterways with the Inland Vessels Bill, 2021. A newly appointed Minister introduced the bill in the Lok Sabha. The new bill has been put out in order to promote safe and economic transportation and trade through inland waters in the country. The bill will replace the Inland Vessels Act, 1917.

According to a recent statement issued by the Union Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, the Inland Vessels Bill 2021 seeks to incorporate unified law for the nation, instead of separate guidelines framed by the Indian states. Under the new law, the registration certificate will be considered valid all over the nation, as well as separate permissions shall not be required from states, the Ports, Shipping and Waterways Ministry said.

According to the Union Ministry, the Inland Vessels Bill also provides for a central database for recording vessels’ information as well as their crew on an electronic portal or digital portal. The Union Minister for Ports, Shipping and Waterways has said the Bill promotes cheaper and safer navigation. Apart from this, the Inland Vessels Bill 2021 also ensures protection of cargo and life as well as brings uniformity in the application of laws that are related to navigation and inland waterways.

Significance of Inland Vessel Bill 2021

  • Its objective is to promote Inland Water Transport (IWT) by replacing, the often-described as archaic, Inland Vessels Act 1917.
  • It will regulate safety, security and registration of inland vessels.
  • It will streamline and regulate inland vessels.
  • It envisages bringing uniformity in the application of the law relating to inland waterways and navigation within the country.
  • It aims to promote economical and safe transportation as well as trade through inland waters.
  • It seeks to provide for the safety of navigation, protection of life and cargo, and prevention of pollution that may be caused by the use or navigation of inland vessels.

  • Mechanically propelled inland vessels: The Bill defines such vessels to include ships, boats, sailing vessels, container vessels, and ferries.  The central government will prescribe the:
    • classification,
    • standards of design, construction, and crew accommodation, and
    • type and periodicity of surveys, for these vessels.

 Construction or modification of such vessels will require prior approval of a designated authority, as prescribed by the central government.  

Photo by Arjan van den Berg on Unsplash