National Youth Day celebrated by NLU and Judicial Academy Assam-“Role of Youth in Bringing Social Change” tribute to Swami Vivekananda: Press Release

The NSS unit of National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam launched their first edition of Pradyut (Year Book of NSS Activities,2021) and organized a webinar on “Role of Youth in Bringing Social Change” to pay tribute and honour the teachings of Swami Vivekananda that is celebrated across India as National Youth Day.

Launch of Pradyut by SP of Assam: The first Edition of the NSS yearbook titled “Pradyut” comprising details of all the tasks performed by NSS volunteers of National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam was launched in the presence of Hon’ble Chief guest Anand Mishra, Superintendent of Police, Nagaon, Assam, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) V. K. Ahuja, NSS Co-ordinator Mr Himanshu Ranjan Nath, Assistant Professor of Law along with the joyous volunteers of NSS.

Influence of Teachings of Swami Vivekananda: The beginning of Hon’ble Chief guest’s lecture was marked by his confession about the influence that Swami Vivekananda’s ideals had on him since his childhood days which he imbibed through multiple pieces of literatures. He  mentioned about the book “life of a yogi” and his love for martial arts that helped him invoke an essence of spirituality in him.

 He then stressed  the fact that youth aspire for changing the world in a way that fits in their own crafted definition of ethics but their own definition of the moral system fails to incorporate this. He believes that change in the world is a step-by-step process of refinement of civilization and refinement of our cultural setup that happens with every upcoming generation and thus, he finds it difficult to believe that they are going to bring any sort of renaissance or reformation in this regard.

Technology as Influencer: He also touched upon the technological aspect in his addresses and emphasized the fact that technology is one of the biggest influencers in today’s context that has the potential to transform our existing lifestyle pattern and have an everlasting impact on our ideals and our existing morals and ethical standards.

Need for social change: Further, he emphasized the need for social change as it paves way for the new generational mindset, and highlighted the fact that it’s possible that the structure of the ethical system proposed by the new generation will receive the desired recognition in future by upcoming generations and he believes that youth will always have to encounter certain challenges in order to improve the social structure that they have inherited and he requested the youth to actively contribute towards the cause that will help in further uplifting the existing social standards of society.

Vote of thanks: He then answered a series of questions posed by an anxious audience towards the end of his address following which Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) V. K. Ahuja expressed his sincere gratitude towards Hon’ble Chief Guest for his insightful analysis of the theme and thanked the audience for their patient hearing.

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By- Siddhant Das & Prakhar Prabhat Srivastav