
Prof. Lucy Reed is New Face of International Council for Commercial Arbitration

Lucy Reed Image of President of ICCA


The International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) is a worldwide non-governmental organization (NGO) devoted to promoting the use and improving the processes of arbitration, conciliation and other forms of resolving international commercial disputes. Its activities include convening international arbitration congresses and conferences, sponsoring authoritative dispute resolution publications, and promoting the harmonization of arbitration and conciliation rules, laws, procedures and standards.

ICCA has official status as an NGO accredited by the United Nations. In that capacity, ICCA has participated actively in the preparation of the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, the UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules, and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration.


ICCA is pleased to announce that as of Tuesday 12 May 2020 Prof. Lucy Reed of Arbitration Chamber New York has assumed the role of ICCA President. A long-standing member of the ICCA and international arbitration communities, Prof. Reed has served a term as ICCA Vice-President and President-elect and will now follow in the footsteps of her predecessor Prof. Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler.

Currently practising as an independent arbitrator at Arbitration Chambers in New York, Prof. Reed has enjoyed a highly varied and distinguished career in the fields of international arbitration and international law, including serving as Commissioner on the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission and Co-Director of the Claims Resolution Tribunal for Dormant Accounts in Switzerland (Holocaust Tribunal). The ICCA Bureau had the pleasure of interviewing Prof. Reed about her experiences as an arbitrator and her goals for ICCA over the coming three years.


Prof. Reed has a long history with ICCA, during which you have chaired the ICCA Congress Committee and served a term as ICCA Vice President.

It is a long story, her first law firm – Wald Harkrader & Ross, in Washington – had 40 cases at the Iran-US Claims Tribunal. When she later joined the Legal Adviser’s Office in the US State Department and became the US Agent to the Tribunal, She was even more immersed in international arbitration: serving as the lead advocate for the US Government, advising counsel for the private claimants, negotiating the small claims settlement, coordinating with the Iranian Agent on cases and administrative matters, getting to know all the arbitrators and their law clerks. There is a reason why so many senior leaders in international arbitration today came out of that crucible. From 2000 to 2009, you acted as Commissioner of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission, and in the 1990s, She was the Co-Director of the Claims Resolution Tribunal for Dormant Accounts in Switzerland (Holocaust Tribunal).

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