Acts of Parliament STUDENTS CORNER


This schedule contains three lists namely,

  1. Union List: This list contains the subjects on which the Parliament can make laws. The very nature of the subjects under this list require uniformity of laws all over the country. For example, Railways, Communication, Defence, Post & Telegraph etc.
  2. State List: This list contains the subject on which state legislatures can enact laws. For example, Health, Education etc. Such subjects are placed under this list because the state legislatures are in a better position to make laws keeping in mind the local conditions of the state.
  3. Concurrent List: This list contains subjects on which both the Parliament and State Legislatures can enact laws but laws made by the Parliament have overriding effect over laws made by state legislatures. For example, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Civil Procedure, Family Planning etc.

Union list contains a maximum number of subjects followed by State List and Concurrent List. Over time, subjects under state list have decreased while subjects under union list have got up.