Glimpses of Surana & Surana Full Service Law Firm based in Chennai and Delhi

Surana & Surana Office

Law Firm culture in India is growing day by day, which adds more professional functioning of the legal system. Indian Law Watch is capturing the journey of Surana & Surana which was established in 1971 with over 70 professionals and ranked among the leading law firms in India. Surana & Surana International Attorneys is headquartered in Chennai with a full-fledged office in New Delhi.

Founder Partners

P. S. Surana

He was admitted to the bar in the year 1971. Founder Partner, Arbitrator, Mediator, Counsel, Independent Director, Strategist, Philanthropist, acknowledged worldwide for his leadership skills and legal acumen. He is the recipient of the Life Time Achievement Award from the Institute of Directors, Annual Global Summit. He is  Empanelled Arbitrator & Fellow of ASSOCHAM’s International Council of Alternate Dispute Resolution (AICADR), New Delhi and at the Indian Merchants Chamber’s International ADR Centre (IMC – IADR), Mumbai. He is a Registered Patent Agent. He is a top-ranked litigation & arbitration lawyer in South India for over three decades.

Leela Surana

She is admitted to the Bar in the year 1980. Co-Founder, Advisor on family business, litigation negotiation of contracts & mediation. Acclaimed for her administrative capabilities and practical implementable advice to clients and social institutions.

An interesting fact mentioned on the firm website is that as a policy, the Law firm does not take up any work involving meat, tobacco, alcohol, & gambling industries.

The firm was established in 1971 with over 70 professionals. The firm has to its credit several national and international awards. In fact, Mr Vinod Surana, the CEO and Managing Partner is the first non-American to be elected as President of the International Law Students Association, USA (1999). 

Surana & Surana Public Charitable Trust

The organisation is registered in the year 1980. Leading institution in Chennai supporting various social and charitable activities covering Education, Poor Feeding, Housing & Training visually challenged orphan girls, Animal Welfare, Environmental and Heritage preservation, free Legal and Counselling Services, Medical Services for the needy, Skill & Talent grooming.

The firm provides free legal advice and representation to various social, charitable and educational institutions including Non-Government Organisations such as Ability Foundation, Bihar Association, Indian Institute of Animal Welfare, Jaipur Foot, Mukti Foundation, Pestalolzzi Trust, Punjab Association, Sri Shudd Hadwaita Vaishnav Mahasahaba, Arya Samaj, etc. The firm’s lawyers regularly lecture at various law schools, professional bodies & industry associations. Public Interest Litigations on issues affecting human rights, animal rights, environment, heritage are supported by the firm.

The founder Mr P. S. Surana appeared before the parliamentary committee for review of meat exports on behalf of the main petitioner Jain Acharya Shri Vijay Ratnasundarsuri and as petitioner no.2. This landmark report published on 13.02.2014 accepted the contentions of the petitioner and recommended a thorough review of the meat export policy in addition to giving several far-reaching directions concerning the environment, health & human rights.