‘Mediation Bill, 2021’referred to Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice for examination and report

The Mediation Bill, 2021’, has been referred to the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice for examination and report.

The Bill inter-alia proposes to encourage and promote institutional mediation for resolution of disputes.

Submission of Memoranda: To have a wider consultation on the Bill, the Committee has decided to invite Memoranda containing views/suggestions from concerned Stakeholders interested in the subject matter. Copy of the Bill (in English and Hindi), along with other details are available on the website of the Rajya Sabha ( under the link ‘Bills with the Committee’. Those desirous of submitting the Memoranda to the Committee, may send it electronically to Shri Goutam Kumar, Deputy Secretary, Rajya Sabha Secretariat (Tel: 011-23035187) at rs, within fifteen days of publication of this Communiqué. Those who wish to appear before the Committee for tendering Oral Evidence, besides submitting Memoranda, are requested to specifically indicate so. However, the Committee’s decision in this regard shall be final.

Date of Publication of Notice: January 28, 2022