V.G. Ramachandran’s Law of Writs (in two volumes) revised by V. Sudhish Pai

Law of Writs - V Sudhish Pai

V.G. Ramachandran’s Law of Writs (in two volumes) revised by V. Sudhish Pai, is an exhaustive commentary acknowledged as the undisputed authority on the subject. Every successive edition of this classic work has received greater appreciation and popularity. It covers all the important developments and case law in this field since the last edition.

Volume I is divided into two parts – Part I (Judicial Review, origin of writs in England and India) and Part II (General Principles of Writ Jurisdiction). Volume II is divided into three parts – Parts III (Specific Writs); Part IV (Supervisory Jurisdiction of High Courts, SLPs, and Constitutional Amendments); and Part V (Practice and Procedure). A new chapter on judicial review has been added. Appendices contain updated bare text of the relevant portions of the Constitution of India; CPC; Supreme Court Rules, 2013; High Court Rules; PIL Rules; and Model Forms of Writ Petitions.

This work will be useful to lawyers, judges, academicians, and scholars in India and abroad.

Extract from the Foreword

V.G. Ramachandran’s “Law of Writs” has over the years attained the status of a legal classic. It was first published 58 years ago and has seen six previous editions. The contribution of Sudhish Pai, who in the lineage of great commentators like Seervai and Basu, is a public law critic, to the development of the culture of public debate is invaluable for the vigorous regeneration of the spirit of healthy and informed discourse on vital public law issues.

No of Pages : 2720
Publisher : Eastern Book Company
Author : V. Sudhish Pai
Edition : 7th Edition 2022

Volume I

Table of Cases

Part I
1. Judicial Review
2. England
3. India

Part II
1. Constitutional Provisions
2. Locus Standi — Who May Apply
3. Against Whom Writ May Be Issued
4. Territorial Jurisdiction
5. Purposes for Which Writs May Be Issued
6. Delay and Laches
7. Alternative Remedy
8. Res Judicata
9. Natural Justice
10. Administrative Tribunals
11. Exclusion of Judicial Review
12. Administrative Discretion and Judicial Review
13. Other Features and Limitations of Writ Jurisdiction
14. Public Interest Litigation

Subject Index

Volume II

Table of Cases

Part III
1. Habeas Corpus
2. Mandamus
3. Prohibition
4. Certiorari
5. Quo Warranto

Part IV
1. Supervisory Jurisdiction of High Courts
2. Special Leave Petitions
3. Constitutional Amendments

Part V
1. Principles of Procedure
2. Facets of Practice


I. Constitution of India
II. Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
III. Supreme Court Rules, 2013
IV. Rules Framed by the Various High Courts under Articles 226 and 227
1. Allahabad High Court
2. Andhra Pradesh High Court
3. Bombay High Court
4. Calcutta High Court
5. Chhattisgarh High Court
6. Delhi High Court
Rules Framed by the Various High Courts under Articles 226 and 227 (Contd.)
7. Gauhati High Court
8. Gujarat High Court
9. Jammu & Kashmir High Court
10. Jharkhand High Court
11. Karnataka High Court
12. Kerala High Court
13. Madhya Pradesh High Court
14. Madras High Court
15. Manipur High Court
16. Meghalaya High Court
17. Orissa High Court
18. Patna High Court
19. Punjab & Haryana High Court
20. Rajasthan High Court

V. Model forms of Writ Petitions Under Articles 32 and 226 of the Constitution of India
Subject Index

Source: Aaj Kal Law House

V. Sudhish Pai, MSc, LL B, Senior Advocate, Bangalore


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