Vision and Mission

Our Vision and Mission


There is a famous principle in jurisprudence of presumed knowledge of the law and therefore one is bound by a law, even if one does not know about it.

“Ignorantia juris non excusat” (Ignorance of the law excuses not)

“Ignorantia legis neminem excusat” (Ignorance of law excuses no one)

Ignorance of the Law is no excuse is a famous maxim of law, meaning thereby that person who is under ignorance of law cannot escape liability. So, it is important for each one of us to be aware about the laws governing us.

Indian Law Watch has been created with a long-term vision to provide legal news and analysis to serve the population across the world with authentic and quality reading in law.

The vision is to keep people aware of their rights, duties and developments in law and this in no way is any legal advisory.


Indian Law Watch is a website portal that aims to build the INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY for the community we serve.

We aim to provide WELL-RESEARCHED content on various subjects of law.

The portal bring together well researched contributions from the DIVERSE LEADING PRACTITIONERS, LAW COLLEGE STUDENTS, LAW PROFESSORS across India.

Indian Law Watch is committed towards building BRIDGE between legal infrastructure and community we serve.

Our mission to capture NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL legal news, legal events, conferences, research for the readers.

Indian Law Watch aims to provide LEARNING PLATFORM for interns of law colleges.‌