The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) recorded 236 victims (or 0.006% of all crime victims) who were transgender persons in 2020 and registered no cases of rape, buying and selling of minors for prostitution in which trans persons were victims. Experts say this is not a reflection of a low crime rate, but of the lack of documentation of transgender persons that leads to a misleading record of crimes against the community as reported on IndiaSpend.

- A transgender person needs this certificate to invoke rights such as rights of residence, non-discrimination in employment under the the 2019 Act, and the lack of a gender identity certificate hinders access to legal recourse. The lack of documentation also means trangender persons cannot benefit from the government’s welfare schemes and other social security benefits, IndiaSpend has reported in June 2022.
- Section 2(k) of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 defines transgender person as a person whose gender does not match the gender assigned to them at their birth. They are recognised as the third-gender under the Indian Constitution.